Monroe County Airport Staff and Advisory Committee

Monroe County Airport Staff

Wes Kirkpatrick
Airport Manager
The principal function of the Airport Manager is to manage the Monroe County Airport. Work includes the administration of the airport in promoting, encouraging, and assisting in development activities in and around the airport; administration of all capital improvement projects; ensuring that maintenance operations are completed; and coordinating operations with tenants. The Airport Manager provides effective, professional leadership, positioning the County to meet the community’s current and future Airport needs through appropriate technologies and services. The work is performed under the direct supervision of the County Administrator, but considerable latitude is granted for the exercise of independent judgment and initiative. Supervision is exercised over the work of all airport employees. The Airport Manager duties are performed both in office and field environments.
John Bingham
Assistant Airport Manager
The principal function of the Assistant Airport Manager is to assist the Airport Manager in his duties of operating the airport. Work includes maintaining all airport grounds; mitigating wildlife hazards by conducting wildlife dispersal activities; maintains accurate airfield inspection, airport condition reporting, and wildlife mitigation records. The Assistant Airport Manager provides on-site supervision during airfield emergency and severe weather situations in the absence of the Airport Manager; assisting in the coordination of and response to all emergency situations; providing assistance and coordination with special events relating to airport operations. Performing all other duties as assigned by the Airport Manager.
Randy Minor
Line Service Technician
Under the direction and guidance of the Airport Manager, the Line Service Technician is responsible for a safe, compliant and efficient FBO operation for aircraft fueling, ground handling, facilities and customer service. Work also includes maintaining all airport grounds and equipment.

Monroe County Airport Advisory Committee

The Committee was established by the Board of Supervisors to advise and to make recommendations to the Airport Manager and the Board on policy and programs of the Airport. The Committee’s purpose is to enhance the Airport and to provide opportunities for involvement by individuals with aviation and business knowledge and experience. The Committee shall exchange, discuss, review, and gather information on Airport-related issues.
Bob Prisock, County Administrator
Wes Kirkpatrick, Airport Manager
Tommy Griffith, Chairman
Todd Wilemon
Brian Rollins
Cecil Boswell, Vice Chairman
Jess Wiygul, P.E., Project Engineer